Saturday, July 15, 2023

A Solution to a Pointless Life



Monroe, NJ, July 12, 2023

Albert Amao Soria


"A Solution to a Pointless Life: Spiritual Self-help for Personal Development" is an inspirational book by the renowned author Albert Amao Soria. It aims to motivate readers to uncover their passions and inner strengths and to use these to achieve their goals in life. The book acknowledges that traditional religions have disempowered and displaced human Inner-Power; as a result, many seek alternative avenues for their spiritual outlet instead of conventional religious institutions, usually seen as oppressive and inflexible in their creeds. It tackles this issue by drawing on religious, existential, sociological, philosophical, and popular wisdom - all tested by personal experiences.

This book is unique because it addresses the social problem of "existential anxiety" outside of religious contexts, providing readers with a better understanding of their role in the evolution of human consciousness. It empowers readers to tap into their inner power and offers psychological and metaphysical tools to "improve their lives." The author emphasizes that humans should take control of their own power and become active co-creators of their personal and social environments, leading to the betterment of humankind.

"A Solution to a Pointless Life" is a valuable resource for those experiencing existential emptiness during times of ideological and spiritual crisis. The author highlights essential aspects of human personality for self-exploration, self-evaluation, and self-discovery, taking readers on a journey to find the meaning of human existence. Ultimately, the book asserts that the destiny of humans is to become homo-spiritual beings.

A Solution to a Pointless Life is now available in Ebook, softcover, and hardcover versions at, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers.