Friday, September 8, 2023

Review of the book "A Solution to a Pointless Life"

 Here is an excellent review by well-known author, Von Braschler.


"Albert Amao's new book, A Solution to a Pointless Life, is probably his greatest effort yet. This book is packed with valuable nuggets of information from every relevant source, from the New Thought Movement to Existentialism, Oriental religions, the Judeo-Christian tradition, philosophy, psychology, mythology, and mysticism.
Here is a sociologist who has seriously considered the question of the meaning of life and humanity’s eternal quest for finding the purpose in living. His careful analysis of this quest through the ages brings the reader to a comfortable conclusion, albeit a challenging one.

In searching for a positive direction in people today, he laments the way political and religious organizations have left people feeling powerless and the way materialism has filled people with false illusions and false beliefs. He posits how our inability to find a purpose in life has led to neurosis. He pivots toward celebrating life as a beautiful learning opportunity that allows people to develop their inner potential. To fulfill one’s special purpose in life, he says, is to manifest your inner power. Striving to achieve life goals with determination awakens your innate psychological and spiritual powers.

Our long journey challenges us to learn and grow in consciousness, we are told, and that is the only real thing in the universe. As we return to life source, we add to this expanding universal consciousness. This consciousness has been called by many names, including spirit, universal soul, life force, Brahman, Elohim, and God. The point of living, then, is to become aware of this universal consciousness and consciously participate in the creation process with it. Humans are on the planet Earth, the author suggests, to develop and raise their level of conscious awareness. The primary purpose of all human existence, then, is to actively participate in awakening universal consciousness.

The depth of this author’s scholarship in sorting through common and diverse threads in philosophies, religions, and science is most impressive. He walks you through both European and Latin American Existentialism and the American New Thought Movement. He analyzes everything from the Gilgamesh Epic to the Wizard of Oz. He delves into the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Gita. He considers the quest in Jainism and Buddhism. He dives into Hebrew and Christian thought. He plows through quantum physics, metaphysics, and psychology.

Areas of particular interest to me in this book include the author’s thoughtful contrast of Existentialism and the New Thought Movement, his analysis of the Book of Job, his treatment of the life journey as a pathless land, and the conclusion that expanding consciousness is all there really is or ever will be. Best of all, he sees a big role in this huge universal consciousness for each and every one of us as a co-creator. "

Von Braschler, author of Ancient Wisdom Scrolls: Past Lives.