Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Beyond Conventional Wisdom"



                                 (Questions and Answers)

                                                           Albert Amao Soria


I came across this article in some old files saved on a flash drive, which I wrote as an explanation for my book “Beyond Conventional Wisdom.” I find it very relevant and actual, even though it was written Dec. 27, 2006, 18 years ago. The article contains the foundational ideas I expanded upon in my later books. Although it was never published, I believe it deserves to be shared to explain how my main ideas have evolved over time and come to fruition in my subsequent works. I think that those who follow my work will benefit from reading it. 

1. In a nutshell, what is the book about? 

The core concept that underpins these essays is the challenge to the so-called “conventional wisdom” that governs most aspects of our lives. Many of the ideas embedded in this 'conventional wisdom' are in conflict with reality. As we grew up, we were not given a choice to select our religion, moral values, or beliefs; we were ignorant and incapable of discerning what to believe or not; hence, we accepted as accurate what our parents, teachers, mentors, religious leaders, and the dominant culture class imposed on us. As children, we believed everything adults told us, and this formed our personal creed, our faith, and our outlook on life. This outlook on life (creed) is so deeply ingrained in our minds that it shapes our destiny.        

The text explains that human beings often exist in two simultaneous worlds. One is the external universe (EU), which is the shared reality we experience on Earth and in space. The other is the personal universe, referred to as "Your Own Universe" (YOU), which is the world created in our minds based on the beliefs and teachings passed down by our parents and teachers. These two worlds often conflict with each other and cause problems in our lives.

The book "Beyond Conventional Wisdom" critically examines the role of mass media in shaping our beliefs and behaviors. It suggests that people have a natural tendency to uncritically accept and pursue what is dictated by "conventional wisdom" from their mentors, teachers, parents, societal culture, and the mass media. The book delves into how big companies spend a significant amount of money on advertising and promotion to create needs and make us believe that their products are necessary for our happiness. They also create commercial holidays like Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother's Day, Grandparent’s Day, Halloween, and so on, in order to make their products essential to every holiday celebration, contributing to the modern "consumerist society." Mass media advertisements are based on specific psychological principles and appeal to people’s unconscious feelings and emotions to persuade them to buy things they don't need, neglecting their spiritual needs.

Consequently, it is imperative to break herd mentality and base our outlook on life on coherent principles according to the laws of nature and reality. These essays will give the readers key ideas for reflection to enhance their awareness in life and facilitate their personal self-exploration for self-fulfilling inner discovery.     

2. What is the Paradox of Life? 

The fundamental paradox of life is that humans seem to live in two different worlds, which pull them in two directions: the imaginary life, called Maya, and the real Inner/Spiritual world. Mystics, sages, and masters of life tell us that our world is in perfect harmony. We may ask, if the universe is in perfect harmony, why is there so much misery, sickness, injustice, and suffering in the world? Why do few people have too much wealth, and the majority have too little?

The paradox of life is that an ordinary person may not understand the apparent inequalities and contradictions in the world until they experience a higher level of understanding. These contradictions and inequalities are necessary for human awareness development. A materialistic person trying to understand this paradox is like a mouse trying to know how Albert Einstein's mind works. The wise ones, the real initiates, understand that things in the world are precisely as they should be. The Law of Polarity will always be present in life for the sake of physical manifestation in the three-dimensional world, and these contradictions, limitations, and sufferings are necessary for testing and developing human consciousness. Refer to the essay "The Adversary and the Redeemer," which is part of a book. 

3. What is the Greatest Philosophical Paradox? 

Ever since humans gained the ability to think, they have pondered questions about the origin of life. This has led to the development of two main branches of philosophy: Materialism and Idealism. Materialism asserts that the world consists solely of physical matter and energy, and our understanding depends entirely on sensory evidence. Idealism, on the other hand, posits that a Supreme Being created everything, which forms the basis of many religions. A metaphysical approach seeks to reconcile this paradox by suggesting that everything in the world, including matter, is an expression of an unseen "Something" that permeates the entire universe. This substance has been referred to under various names, such as Spirit, One Force, and Universal Life-force.

The book aims to address enduring questions using modern scientific and philosophical speculations. These questions include: What is the purpose of our life? What is reality? What is the difference between Spirit and matter? What is the role of man in the arena of life? What is faith, and do we need it to live in this life? What is fear, and how does it differ from faith? Is there any point of connection between science and religion? The book also examines the fallacies and deceptions on which many esoteric and occult doctrines are based. 

4. Is there a Meaning of Life? 

Many secular and religious books have been written explaining man’s purpose in life, while others deny the existence of a purpose in life. In this book, we try to explain this dilemma through personal experience, seeking a meaning of life in many philosophical, metaphysical, and esoteric schools.   

 The above questions have been crucial to the author’s intellectual and personal development. The author's university education was essentially materialistic, which contradicted his Catholic background. During this search, he became familiar with Marxist/Leninist theories, learned about the basic ideology of Marxism/Engels/Leninism, and delved into the works of G. Hegel, K. Marx, F. Engels, V.I. Lenin, and L. Trotsky. The author's initial, naive idea was to strive for global equality and justice, aiming to mitigate injustice and poverty in the world.

However, materialistic theories were found to be insufficient in solving the world's economic and social problems. Moreover, materialistic knowledge did not fulfill the author's search for spiritual meaning. This led the author to explore various occult and mystical schools, including Freemasonry, Qabalah, and Rosicrucianism, as part of his ongoing spiritual evolution.

            The author's exploration of the meaning of life and search for answers provides readers with insight into the author's evolving ideologies. It is important to note that these ideologies are not dogmatic or narrow-minded but open to rational and scientific knowledge. The author's intellectual development involved a dialectical process, leading to convictions based on reliable and verifiable knowledge in metaphysical and scientific realms. The author followed René Descartes' Methodic Doubt throughout this journey, as outlined in his book "Discourse on Method." It is essential to consider that modern philosophy and science share the foundation of this approach. According to this notion, all theories and customary beliefs must be rigorously tested using reason and scientific demonstration. The author hopes his discoveries and clarifications will aid readers in their personal and spiritual development. As the Bible advises, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2). 

5. Are Science and Religion opposites to each other?

      Throughout our civilization's history, there has been a conflict between science and religion. We used to believe that religion was divine inspiration holding infallible wisdom. However, in the early twentieth century, the new understanding of the natural world brought about by the discoveries of quantum mechanics overturned rigid forms of rationalism that claimed observation through the physical senses was the only way to know reality honestly. This modern view of our world is more open to ideas of truth and reality than the strict rationalism of the past. These essays aim to break free from ancient superstitions, such as fortune-telling and "secret knowledge" purportedly held by esoteric organizations, rather than revive them.  

In the early 20th century, two prominent physicists, Albert Einstein and Max Planck, both received the Nobel Prize in physics. They significantly altered the scientific principles on which the prevailing science was based at that time. Albert Einstein introduced the theory of relativity and his renowned equation E=mc2, demonstrating the equivalence of matter and energy. Shortly afterward, Max Planck delved into the nature of reality and pointed out that the basis of reality is consciousness. In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, he stated: "There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this minute solar system of an atom together." He further posited, "We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of matter."(The highlight is ours).     

 Likewise, at the very beginning of the twentieth century, new scientific discoveries in the field of Biology, such as the decoding of the human genome, have demonstrated that all creatures in the world, from simple ameba to the most complex human beings, have a common ancestor. In other words, all animals, such as mice, insects, rats, or human beings, originated from one common source. The Esoteric and occult sciences go further as they maintain that everything in the universe, including mountains, rocks, plants, stars, galaxies, animals, and man, has an origin and lives in the mind of One Supreme Being.     

7. Is the Dialectic Method a new scientific tool? 

King Solomon once said, “There is nothing new under the sun,” a sentiment demonstrated in the thought-provoking essay "The Dialectic and the Hermetic Philosophy." The proponents of dialectical materialism, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir I. Lenin, claimed that their ideas were not new but had roots in ancient Greek philosophy that dates back more than two thousand years. Dialectic, they argued, is the science of universal connections. However, the notion of the dialectic principles was expressed in the small book "Kybalion." The authors of this tractate who identified as Hermetic Initiates, asserted that their teachings were passed down in secret temples and institutions thousands of years ago. In this book, they extensively expound upon the seven Hermetic principles. These principles align with the laws outlined in dialectical materialism, as discussed in the abovementioned essay.

The Dialectic, as well as the Hermetic Principles, considers everything in the universe in their mutual conditioning and interdependency, whether in the material, emotional, or spiritual realms; it deals with general laws of the development of nature, society, and the process of thinking. It holds the view that the world does not consist of permanent and fixed objects but rather is in a permanent change and eternal movement. To know this conception is fundamental to understanding the true nature of things in the physical and spiritual realms.     

7. What are the Fundamental Laws of the Dialectic?

      According to materialism, the fundamental laws of the Dialectic are as follows:

a) The law of Universal Interaction stresses that everything is interconnected and mutually dependent. Nothing exists in isolation.

b) The law of Universal Movement expresses that everything in nature, society, and human thinking is always in movement and change, a process of growing and dying. The Dialectic does not consider nature quiet and still but subject to permanent movement and constant modification as something renewing itself and in continual renovation.

c)  The law of Co-existence of Opposites (also known as the unity of the contraries) is the source and cause of motion and development. This is the essence of the Dialectic method. The Dialectic criterion is that the objects and phenomena of nature carry implicit contradictions, which in turn are complementary to each other.  

d) The law of Double Negation postulates the criterion that the objects and phenomena of nature carry inside them their own contradictions, and the struggle between them constitutes the inner making of their transformations. Therefore, the process of development is the result of the contradictions inherent in the object. It is the conflict between opposite tendencies that makes things grow, develop, and decay. 

e)  The law From the Quantitative to the Qualitative Changes is the principle that postulates that the sum of an innumerable number of small quantitative changes during a period of time can produce qualitative changes. It shows that the development of any phenomenon is the result of continuous small, unnoticed, and progressive alterations. 

8. What is the contribution of this book?

To clarify and dispel fundamental beliefs incorporated in the so-called "Conventional wisdom." One of the fundamental contributions of this book is the proposition of the Qabalistic Dialectic Method to resolve most of the paradoxes of life. In Qabalah and Hermetic and Occult science, the thinking process is essentially dialectical. It considers that all things are interconnected and interdependent. It acknowledges the oneness of life as it is expressed in the apparent duality of the external world. All these apparent paradoxes have a point of conciliation and reveal a transcendental truth on a higher order of knowledge.

The dialect method can also be applied to metaphysical matters. For instance, in the Old Testament, the Hebrew word Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (the Tetragrammaton), a four-letter noun יהוה, stands for the generic name GOD. It is formed by four consonants, has no pronunciation, and is not rendered into any language. 

According to the American Qabalsit Paul F. Case, the Tetragrammaton יהוה is a Hebrew verb meaning “to be.” Its true significance is "That which was, that which is, that which will be." This demonstrates the eternal immanent substance that permeates and sustains everything in the universe. The Sacred Word encompasses the past, present, and future, transcending time, space, and movement. Additionally, God gave another name to Moses: אהיה, EHYEH, which is translated as “I AM.” Modern explanation of the name אהיה, EHYEH reveals that the correct rendering is “I Shall Be,” representing "I am becoming." This insight is crucial for our exposition, as these two terms express an indwelling presence in the progression of change and becoming. This essence of the Qabalistic Dialectic Method considers the universe and everything in it as being in an eternal process of transformation and becoming.  

9. How this book is related to the so-called Aquarian Age 

          As we begin the Aquarian Age, modern science, notably quantum physics, has concluded that the universe and everything in it are made up of energy. Some physicists have suggested that this energy is ultimately composed of waves of light. Ancient wisdom further asserts that this Universal Energy or Force is conscious, omnipresent, and omniscient. This idea aligns entirely with the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism, which states that the entire universe is alive in God's mind.

The upcoming Golden Age is expected to be marked by knowledge, light, and human solidarity. During this time, a gradual shift in human consciousness will occur, altering our perception of reality beyond the limitations of the three-dimensional level. Delving into the implications of the Aquarian Age is beyond the scope of this book, but for a detailed and comprehensive study, one can refer to my book titled The Dawning of the Aquarian Age. 

10. How would the reader benefit from reading this book? 

The essays aim to inspire readers to reconsider their misconceptions and false beliefs about life. Even individuals who identify as agnostic, atheist, or undecided in their beliefs will find intriguing ideas to reassess their views on life and the universe. For example, an atheist or agnostic must believe in something that commands their respect and loyalty, something beyond the present moment; in denying the existence of a higher power or absolute, they implicitly acknowledge its existence because one cannot deny something that does not exist. Some scientists are now suggesting the existence of a superior mind that governs the universe. In this way, these essays offer a platform for readers to engage in discussions and contemplate age-old questions about their existence on Earth and the meaning of their lives.

Modern science has rejected old-fashioned ideas and beliefs that were once considered accurate. We often trust what we see and rely on our logical thinking, but this can lead to deception and problems in our lives. Since the Enlightenment, our understanding of the world has drastically changed. Advancements in science and technology have allowed us to gain deeper insights into our world and the universe beyond. New scientific discoveries have disproven many old beliefs that were once unquestionably true.

In this collection of essays, the reader will find a coherent and logical way to reconsider untested beliefs and assumptions about life and the universe. They are the result of profound reflections on shared beliefs, erroneous religious assumptions, and negative patterns that hinder individuals from living a fulfilling and successful life. Additionally, some essays address psychological, religious, and spiritual uncertainties that many people seek to resolve. In this sense, the book can be seen as a tool to aid readers in their personal journey of self-discovery, helping them unlock their full potential. 

11. What is the concept of the Oneness of Life?  

This collection of essays draws from various philosophical, metaphysical, materialistic, and religious beliefs to offer a unique perspective on life. Our exploration and pursuit ultimately affirm the interconnectedness of all life and the unity of humanity. According to Jesus Christ, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40) and “I and the Father are One” (John 10:30), beautifully conveying the concept. Science is beginning to acknowledge the possibility that the world is a mental creation, and Quantum Physics is now proposing the interconnectedness of everything.: John Richardson states “No matter what we do, we can never be separated from Being. No matter what we think, we are never alone. And no matter how we feel, our projection of having a separate and personal free will is always a by-product of the secondary collapse.”

Philosopher Herbert Spencer postulated the existence of an “infinite and eternal energy from which all things proceed”; this statement concurs with the Hermetic principle of Mentalism as well as modern Physics, such as Quantum Physics. That is to say, the universe is mental or “mind stuff.”

The practical and concrete application to our daily life of the conception of the oneness of life and brotherhood of human beings boils down to the injunction: Love your neighbor as yourelf.

For more information, visit the following websites:

Saturday, July 13, 2024


                                                       FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


  Monroe Twp., NJ, July 12, 2024

  Albert Amao S.

The Art of Deception Is the Rule of Life” is a thought-provoking and controversial work by the esteemed author Albert Amao Soria. Drawing on his extensive knowledge and experience, the author argues that human progress has been propelled by deceptions, fakes, forgeries, and fallacies, which he terms 'noble lies.' These lies encapsulate hidden aspirations that spur individuals to action and serve as ideal behavioral models for future generations.

As individuals, we are inherently driven to construct narratives or 'noble lies' that infuse our lives with significance and direction. These narratives transcend our immediate reality, offering a sense of transcendence. Without these stories, our impetus for advancement would diminish. These “noble lies” are the brainchildren of visionary storytellers, inspiring us to enhance the human condition.

Quantum physics has validated two metaphysical concepts that are central to this book's thesis: consciousness is the foundation of reality, and humans live in a world of illusion - a virtual reality. This concept, known as 'Maya' in Buddhist philosophy, is a key element in the author's argument about the role of noble lies in human progress. The universal life force, according to the author, motivates humans through these lies to seek progress, set new goals, and expand their horizons in all aspects of life. Without progress, humankind would perish.

The Declaration of American Independence is often cited as a classic example of a noble lie. Despite lacking any cosmological, metaphysical, or scientific basis, it states that all humans are born free and have the same rights. This declaration helped create the world's most powerful and wealthy nation, where freedom of speech, thought, and religious organization is respected. However, it is important to note that the signers of the Declaration of Independence were landlords and slave owners who knew that not all humans were born free and did not have the same privileges.

This compelling book is now accessible in various formats, including e-book, softcover, and hardcover, on popular platforms such as, Barnes and Noble, and other leading online booksellers.   



Monday, June 24, 2024

King Solomon: The First Existentialist©

                       The Wise King Solomon: The First Existentialist©

                                                  By Albert Amao S

It is a striking revelation that contemporary European existentialists have largely overlooked King Solomon's profound and unique insights into the meaning of human existence. He could rightfully be hailed as the world’s first existentialist. His magnum opus, Ecclesiastes, is a foundational text and could be deemed the bible of existentialism. It grapples with profound questions about the essence of human existence that modern European existentialists have often struggled to understand, offering a unique perspective that contrasts contemporary European existentialism. These questions encompass the purpose of human existence, the meaning of power, our destiny after death, and more. 

However, the concept of ‘true existentialism,’ as I have expounded in my work, A Solution to a Pointless Life, is not merely an ideology of lamenting the absurdities of life and the sense of mortality. It is a powerful and liberating opportunity to pursue a meaningful purpose within the understanding that we are integral parts of a Cosmic Consciousness unfolding in conjunction with other human minds. This concept, deeply rooted in King Solomon's existential insights, offers a unique and inspiring perspective on the meaning of life.  

King Solomon reigned in Jerusalem from approximately 970 to 931 BCE and was well-known for his wisdom, power, and wealth; thus, he enjoyed all the luxuries that life could offer. Yet, this abundance also carried a darker side, a paradox that Solomon couldn’t himself grapple with: After all, what is it all about? As the saying goes, every coin has two sides, and in Solomon’s case, his blessings led him to despondency about the very meaning and purpose of life. Solomon was disturbed by the sense of mortality and the transitory nature of everything, and he questions himself, is it worth struggling and suffering in life? He concluded that life is meaningless and “chasing after the wind.”

“Meaningless! Meaningless!”
 “Utterly meaningless!
 Everything is meaningless” (Eccl. 1:2, NIV).

Said king Solomon.

His insights regarding the nature of reality and the meaning of human existence continue to resonate through the ages. His book Ecclesiastes, penned about 3,000 years ago, is an exceptional existentialist treatise.  

In my book “The Art of Deception is the Rule of Life,” I scientifically and logically demonstrate that we live in a world of deception or illusions. Our reality can be defined as the systematic inducement of false beliefs by the ruling elites. Life is an illusion or a mirage.

When Solomon requested wisdom from Yahweh, he was granted more than he bargained for. Along with wisdom, Yahweh bestowed wealth, power, fame, and all worldly pleasures on Solomon, provided he remained faithful to Yahweh.  

This verse enclosed the kernel of European existential philosophical concerns. The authoritative rendition of the Bible, the King James Version (KJV), reads: “Vanity of vanities, everything is vanity” (Eccl. 1:2); this translation is a euphemism and sweetened verse. Perhaps this is why European philosophers and thinkers did not pay much attention to it. 

The cautionary message is akin to the intriguing mirage of life offered to us: a world of disorganized and disarrayed phantoms created by people’s minds. This is not a far-fetched statement; modern scientific theory, notably quantum mechanics, states that we live in a world of probabilities and that our beliefs are crucial for materializing our personal world. This reflection on the nature of our reality is an essential aspect of existentialism.

It should be noted that I don’t necessarily agree with Solomon’s pessimistic viewpoint; what I am doing is pointing out that the concerns that arose by the European existentialists after the Second World War were “nothing new under the sun.” (Eccl. 1:9). This sentence can be considered the root of the dialect doctrine and existentialism, demonstrating the enduring relevance of his wisdom. For a deeper exploration of these insights, I invite you to delve into my book, A Solution to a Pointless Life.

Such reflections take any human to the need to understand the human condition on Earth. Perhaps a parallel between Solomon and Faustian mythology can give us insights into this problem.

In contrast to Solomon’s story, we have the Faustian bargain tale. According to German mythology, the Faustian myth tells the story of a learned man named Faust. He has devoted most of his life to accumulating as much knowledge as possible from reading books. Now, he desires to enjoy life with material possessions, beautiful women, and the ability to perform magic. He made a deal with the devil through Mephistopheles, exchanging his soul for twenty-four years of power and magical knowledge. At the end of the twenty-four years, Faust realizes that he has wasted his time and attempts to reverse his deal with the devil. However, he fails and is ultimately dragged to hell.

The moral of the Faustian bargain is that Faust had paid too high a price for something that was not worthy, realizing that what they received in return was far less valuable than they initially perceived. Similarly, King Solomon was granted power, wisdom, and wealth, but these were only vain and transitory illusions. Ultimately, Solomon realized they were “meaningless,” chasing after the wind.

This parallel underscores the kernel point of their deception. Both have been deceived and misled by the mirage of the world and have lost their opportunity to develop their souls and expand their awareness. In my book The Art of Deception is the Rule of Life, I demonstrate that human civilization’s progress has been based on deception, lies, and hoaxes, which I call “noble lies.” Competition based on deceptions and technological advances has been the engine of human progress.    

Solomon, probably in the later year of his life, reflecting on his achievements in life, concluded:

12 I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. 13 I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens. What a heavy burden God has laid on humanity! 14 I have seen all the things done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

In both cases, in the end, comes the realization of the ephemeral nature of things and, consequently, the disenchantment of life. 

Philosopher existentialist Albert Camus, reflecting on the meaning of life, considers life full of “incongruencies” and contradictions. He contemplates suicide as an alternate solution.

In the end, Solomon recommends, “There is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live; enjoy your meal and drinks, and find satisfaction in your work, (Eccl. 3:13)

In any event, the message is crystal clear for those who can read between the lines. I interpret this as everything in life is an enticement, an illusion, a deception, and ultimately, a vanity. I repeat: The real purpose of human existence is to raise our awareness and expand consciousness; in that way, we help God in his knowledge of himself. He is the only actor and doer acting through humans. For more about it, check my book, A Solution to a Pointless Life.   

King Solomon’s wisdom was not derived from books but mainly from his life experiences. It is also worth reiterating that he was not just a wise king but also a man of immense power and wealth; his harem included 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3). His wives hailed from diverse backgrounds, including the daughter of Pharaoh and women from Moabite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite (1 Kings 7:8; 11:1). Thus, he enjoyed all the goodies that life could offer.

However, at the end of his life, he became pessimistic because he realized that he would not be able to enjoy life rewards forever; he concluded that the destiny of humans is similar to the animals: “Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath.” (Eccl. 3:19).

Solomon failed to consider that life is transient and temporary and that every facet of our world is a tapestry of two sides (happiness and sorrow, joy and tribulations, etc.). This duality can be likened to the heads and tails of a coin. In essence, signs of blessings can bear their counterparts, signs of malediction or curse. The sign of a blessing can be either a genuine boon or a curse, contingent on the viewpoint and interpretation. A clear example is scientific technology, which has blessed us with all the goodies modern humans enjoy. However, the same technology is taking us to the danger of dehumanization with the introduction of artificial intelligence and the upcoming robots that overcome and display humans as creators of their world.

In my book A Solution to a Pointless Life, I concluded that there is no universal meaning of life set for everyone except the meaning you give. This meaning could be positive or negative. Therefore, the meaning and definition of your life are in your hands. Humans are, by nature, creatures of awareness and spiritual growth.

The Life-force Principle has a dual nature for the evolution of Universal consciousness. At times, this force acts as both an adversary and a redeemer. I have discussed this subject in detail in previous works. The same idea is expressed in an old Rosicrucian saying, “Demon est Deus inversus,” which translates to “The devil is God upside down.” This adage suggests that the Universal Principle or life force can be manifested as benevolent at times, and at other times, it can create sorrow and misery. Hence, the same Life force creates both good and evil. There are not two entities, one creating good and the other creating evil.

Unfortunately, I cannot elaborate further on these metaphysical intricacies due to space constraints. For more information, refer to my previous books: A Solution to a Pointless Life, Chapter 5: “The Theory of Theodicy,” and Beyond Conventional Wisdom, Chapter 8: “The Adversary and the Redeemer.”

The core concept is that we should develop our abilities and gain control over our impulses to become masters of ourselves and our futures. Engaging in regular meditation, reflecting on our experiences, and participating in spiritual practices can help us achieve this goal.

For further information, visit:    

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Discovering Your Purpose in a Meaningless Life©


“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”

(Ecclesiastes 1:2, KJV)


Are you feeling lost and unfulfilled in life? Discovering your purpose in a seemingly meaningless existence can be daunting, but it’s not impossible. With the right mindset and tools, you can unlock your true potential and find true meaning in your life. Don’t settle for a life without purpose - take the first step towards a more fulfilling life today.

Have you ever wondered about the reason for your existence and how you ended up where you are now? Apart from religious beliefs, the most crucial question for any sentient being is “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose in this world?” And where do I fit in this world?” However, adding another vital question to this list is essential: “Why do you want to live under these conditions?”

The question of whether life has meaning when it has no purpose is one that many people have pondered. Albert Camus famously posed the question of whether life is worth living, given its absurdity and incongruences. He wondered if the desire to live is an unconscious or conscious impulse, an innate instinct, or an external force. Others, often religious leaders and theologians, believe we are placed in this world for a specific reason. This question leads to a dichotomy between the will to live and the will to die. The crucial point is that we are here, moving, acting, and existing. This is the ultimate concern.

At some point in our life, we would confront the meaning of our life, especially when facing personal struggles. Some philosophers and scientists who focus on worldly knowledge and technology argue that life is meaningless, originated by chance and necessity, and will continue this way. Similar ideas were expressed by thinkers such as King Solomon and Arthur Schopenhauer. The virtual reality theory suggests that our lives could be predetermined and that we may be trapped in a matrix-like existence, similar to the Platonic Cave. While there may be some truth to these ideas, the question of the purpose of life remains unanswered.

The concept of self-awareness dates back to ancient times when humans began to reflect upon and give meaning to their experiences in an attempt to understand the world around them. The wonders of the universe, such as the sunrise, sunset, and countless stars in the sky, left them in awe, and they felt that their understanding was inadequate in explaining these phenomena. As a result, they attributed religious significance to them.

In his book A History of Religious Ideas, Mircea Eliade argues that consciousness cannot exist without attaching meaning to man’s experiences and impulses. The discovery of the sacred is closely linked to the consciousness of a meaningful world;[1] for ancient people, being human meant being religious, as everything they did was considered holy. Eliade concludes that awareness of the sacred is an essential part of consciousness, not merely a stage in its development. [2]

The beauty of life resides precisely in probability and apparent randomness because it gives humans the capability to exert their creative power to make their lives meaningful. We are already here on planet Earth; we cannot withdraw from it, claiming that life has no meaning.

            The saying “Knowledge is Power, and Ignorance is Bliss” is common. This leads us to question whether it is better to live in blissful ignorance or seek wisdom through personal experiences to lead a more meaningful life. Many people tend to focus solely on fulfilling their physical and sensory needs, like eating, working, sleeping, and engaging in recreational activities that satisfy their senses, neglecting their spiritual needs. As the Master of Nazareth once said, “Man does not live by bread alone...” Thus, humans need not only physical nourishment but also intellectual and spiritual sustenance.

Modern science has revealed that we live in an immaterial universe. Quantum mechanics has emphasized that atoms consist of spinning immaterial energy vortices, which are essentially pure light that appears and disappears. This discovery has led scientists and philosophers to confirm the metaphysical principle that the entire universe is an expression of universal consciousness. While humans are but a small fragment of this consciousness, we possess the power to shape our social circumstances.

According to quantum mechanics, reality is fluid and shapeless until observed by consciousness. At that point, the various possibilities collapse into one specific outcome. This happens when consciousness, through awareness and intention, selects a particular manifestation from the latent probabilities.[3]

It is crucial to be aware of our social environment to shape the course of events in our lives effectively. The more aware we are, the better equipped we become to shape our future consciously. Unfortunately, many people lack knowledge about self-control and the process of conscious co-creation. This leaves them feeling disoriented in their daily lives, believing that external forces govern their experiences. The key to regaining control is to have a clear purpose and a thorough understanding of the process, which helps us protect ourselves against randomness and chance. Therefore, we must thoroughly know our goals to remain in control and shape our experiences.

The ability to exercise free will is dependent upon one’s level of awareness and self-control. Free will entails conscious choice, which is only possible when one is mindful of the options available at a particular moment. If there is no awareness, then the capacity to independently choose a specific action is null. Tom Campbell, a physicist at NASA and consciousness researcher, believed that consciousness arises from the capability of choice and free will. He defines consciousness as “awareness that makes choices.”

Various religions and philosophies have approached the question of the meaning of life from different perspectives. Buddhism’s first noble truth asserts that life is inherently filled with suffering. The Jewish faith contends that human misery stems from Adam and Eve disobeying God’s commandment. Christians believe suffering is a means to redemption and a better life (heaven), while other religions advocate for resignation and humility.

The truth of the matter is there is no inherent “meaning of life.” It is up to individuals to make their own lives meaningful. The problem arises when people assume that a higher power or someone else will provide them with a purpose for their existence, which is a flawed assumption. Instead, the more appropriate question to ask is whether the struggles and pains that humans experience in life hold any significance. Moreover, it is a misconception that life must be free of hardship and suffering. In fact, spiritual growth and self-development are often the result of enduring pain and adversity. That is why many spiritual teachers contend, “Suffering is the path to wisdom.”

According to the Master of Nazareth, “The Kingdom of heaven is within you.” It is up to each individual to create their reality rather than the other way around. However, in order to tap into this inner power, one must first become aware of it. Otherwise, external influences such as the mass media and social or cultural circumstances will shape our reality unconsciously. My book, “Awaken the Power Within: In Defense of Self-Help,” offers compelling evidence that “All the power that ever was or will be” lies within one’s grasp. Spiritual masters and mystics of all faiths have long known this truth. For instance, the early Catholic Church father, Clement of Alexandria, stated that “he who knows himself knows God.” This statement is self-explanatory.

I have a theory that could help answer the age-old question about the purpose of human existence. The physical reality, which is considered “Maya” or “illusion,” serves to test our ability to distinguish between life’s dichotomies, such as what is beneficial or detrimental to our personal growth.s Thus, it gives us the opportunity to tap into our creativity and inner potential rather than being controlled by external forces. As homo sapiens, our aim is to strive for progress, bettering ourselves, we improve our collective consciousness. These ideas are central to my book, Awakening the Power Within, which explores the notion that life comprises a collection of experiences contributing to our consciousness expansion.

Although life may seem devoid of inherent meaning, humans have the faculty to assign meaning to our experiences. Doing so sharpens our intelligence and helps us gain wisdom, ultimately developing our potentialities and making us akin to gods. It’s important to break away from the herd mentality and prioritize individuality while recognizing the interconnectedness of life and sharing love with others.

Precisely, as discussed in my book A Solution to a Pointless Life, religions are noble myths created to give life meaning and aid in the early stages of human consciousness development. The purpose of existence is to increase awareness and expand consciousness, eventually leading to Homo Deus (man-god) status. Let’s remember what the Serpent of Wisdom advised to Adam and Eve: “You shall be like God” (Gen. 3:5)

Science has yet to answer specific questions, such as where ideas come from and the role of free will. This raises a philosophical paradox: Do humans have free will to determine their future destiny? Based on my experience, I affirm that humans have free will to some degree. However, biological conditions, level of education, family, and social constraints impose limitations. As humans develop their power of self-control and awareness, they gain more ability to exert free will. Wisdom acquired through experience and education, whether academic or self-taught, along with the practice of meditation, reflection, and further learning, enhances our capacity for free will.

Free will is closely linked to our ability to exercise self-control, maintain awareness and accumulate experience. To put it in simple terms, a person who has developed these personal attributes can be compared to someone standing atop a mountain with a clear view of the vast “field of life.” On the other hand, someone who lacks these abilities can be compared to someone standing at the base of the mountain, with a limited view of what lies ahead and at the mercy of the blind forces of destiny.

Again, the purpose of human existence is to give meaning to a meaningless life, to enhance awareness, and to expand consciousness. Those who develop these personal attributes have the ability to control the negative consequences of external influences and use good times for their well-being and success.

We must recognize that we can shape our own reality, but we must first become conscious of this ability. Otherwise, we may fall victim to external influences such as mass media and societal norms. In my book, Awaken the Power Within, I delve into the idea that we hold all the power we need to create our reality.

I propose a thesis that could potentially answer one of the most fundamental questions of human existence. As individuals (unit of consciousness), our task is to work towards progress and the well-being of all human beings in order to evolve our collective consciousness. Every single action we take has an impact on our species. Rather than being controlled by external forces, we have the opportunity to develop our inner potential and creative power through this physical reality. The underlying idea is that life is a series of experiences that provide us with wisdom, ultimately leading to the expansion of our consciousness. This, I believe, is the true purpose of human existence. Let it be done.

                                                             Albert Amao Soria, Ph.D.


- “Does Live Have a Purpose?” Book Review:

- “Regain the Power Within You.”

- Albert Amao Soria, Awaken the Power Within, Tarcher/Penguin, 2016

- Albert Amao S., A Solution to a Pointless Life, AuthorHouse, 2023

[1] Mircea Eliade, A History of Religious Ideas: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries, trans. Willard R. Trask. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978), xiii. Emphasis Eliade’s.

[2] Ibid.               

[3] Refer to my book Awaken the Power Within (New York: Tarcher/Penguin, 2016).

Friday, September 8, 2023

Review of the book "A Solution to a Pointless Life"

 Here is an excellent review by well-known author, Von Braschler.


"Albert Amao's new book, A Solution to a Pointless Life, is probably his greatest effort yet. This book is packed with valuable nuggets of information from every relevant source, from the New Thought Movement to Existentialism, Oriental religions, the Judeo-Christian tradition, philosophy, psychology, mythology, and mysticism.
Here is a sociologist who has seriously considered the question of the meaning of life and humanity’s eternal quest for finding the purpose in living. His careful analysis of this quest through the ages brings the reader to a comfortable conclusion, albeit a challenging one.

In searching for a positive direction in people today, he laments the way political and religious organizations have left people feeling powerless and the way materialism has filled people with false illusions and false beliefs. He posits how our inability to find a purpose in life has led to neurosis. He pivots toward celebrating life as a beautiful learning opportunity that allows people to develop their inner potential. To fulfill one’s special purpose in life, he says, is to manifest your inner power. Striving to achieve life goals with determination awakens your innate psychological and spiritual powers.

Our long journey challenges us to learn and grow in consciousness, we are told, and that is the only real thing in the universe. As we return to life source, we add to this expanding universal consciousness. This consciousness has been called by many names, including spirit, universal soul, life force, Brahman, Elohim, and God. The point of living, then, is to become aware of this universal consciousness and consciously participate in the creation process with it. Humans are on the planet Earth, the author suggests, to develop and raise their level of conscious awareness. The primary purpose of all human existence, then, is to actively participate in awakening universal consciousness.

The depth of this author’s scholarship in sorting through common and diverse threads in philosophies, religions, and science is most impressive. He walks you through both European and Latin American Existentialism and the American New Thought Movement. He analyzes everything from the Gilgamesh Epic to the Wizard of Oz. He delves into the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Gita. He considers the quest in Jainism and Buddhism. He dives into Hebrew and Christian thought. He plows through quantum physics, metaphysics, and psychology.

Areas of particular interest to me in this book include the author’s thoughtful contrast of Existentialism and the New Thought Movement, his analysis of the Book of Job, his treatment of the life journey as a pathless land, and the conclusion that expanding consciousness is all there really is or ever will be. Best of all, he sees a big role in this huge universal consciousness for each and every one of us as a co-creator. "

Von Braschler, author of Ancient Wisdom Scrolls: Past Lives.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

A Solution to a Pointless Life



Monroe, NJ, July 12, 2023

Albert Amao Soria


"A Solution to a Pointless Life: Spiritual Self-help for Personal Development" is an inspirational book by the renowned author Albert Amao Soria. It aims to motivate readers to uncover their passions and inner strengths and to use these to achieve their goals in life. The book acknowledges that traditional religions have disempowered and displaced human Inner-Power; as a result, many seek alternative avenues for their spiritual outlet instead of conventional religious institutions, usually seen as oppressive and inflexible in their creeds. It tackles this issue by drawing on religious, existential, sociological, philosophical, and popular wisdom - all tested by personal experiences.

This book is unique because it addresses the social problem of "existential anxiety" outside of religious contexts, providing readers with a better understanding of their role in the evolution of human consciousness. It empowers readers to tap into their inner power and offers psychological and metaphysical tools to "improve their lives." The author emphasizes that humans should take control of their own power and become active co-creators of their personal and social environments, leading to the betterment of humankind.

"A Solution to a Pointless Life" is a valuable resource for those experiencing existential emptiness during times of ideological and spiritual crisis. The author highlights essential aspects of human personality for self-exploration, self-evaluation, and self-discovery, taking readers on a journey to find the meaning of human existence. Ultimately, the book asserts that the destiny of humans is to become homo-spiritual beings.

A Solution to a Pointless Life is now available in Ebook, softcover, and hardcover versions at, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers.